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Wednesday 15 June 2016

Safe Mode In Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 Safe Mode
Windows Startup Settings Menu
If you have ever had the need to troubleshoot into a Windows machine (whether client or server OS), you would realize that one of your handy tools is the SAFE MODE.

The Windows SAFE MODE allows the Windows operating system boot with a variety of basic settings that loads only the necessary drivers the machine needs to load. It can be used to isolate and effectively troubleshoot driver malfunctions, application failures, and so on..

Usually, to access the option for SAFE MODE boot, one needs to repeatedly press the F8 key after the system is turned on. On the Windows Server 2012 however, that option is gone. Okay, maybe not GONE but Microsoft switched things up a bit. According to a reply on the Technet blog, moderator Niki Han enumerates how to get into the setup options for Windows Server 2012.

To enable SAFE MODE, please try the following:1. If you can boot into Windows, please open a privileged command prompt.2. If not, please boot into recovery mode and run command prompt.3. In the command prompt, please inputBcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes4. Once completed, please restart your computer, then press F8 to enter setup screen upon startup, then press F4 or 4 to enter SAFE MODE.


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